
...New York New York...

So this blog is now going to become my travel blog for the next 2 months! I am currently in New York doing an internship for Tommy Hilfiger, along with my boyfriend, Stephen, who is interning for a photographer named Richard Pierce. Stephen has started a blog as well: http://stephengutierrezphotography.blogspot.com, where I will be borrowing just a few photo's here and there from him, because he has a really amazing Droid Incredible phone and it takes some pretty cool pictures! But I, of course, plan on taking a ton of my own and sharing them on here. So here it begins...

...We took a red eye flight from San Francisco to Dallas, had a two hour layover and then transfered planes and headed to the La Guardia airport. Me, being totally one of those people who never packs light, had a huge duffel bag suitcase, a smaller burberry (fake) bag for my shoes, a huge bag/purse carry on, as well as, my camera bag with a tripod sticking out the back, and this was after i consolidated on Stephen's request! But Stephen being the gentlemen he is, took over my biggest and heaviest carry on while i carried his little camera bag, such a good boyfriend.So, going against our friend Dylan's fair warning, we quickly followed a guy out of the airport and into a "taxi", not yellow or marked, for a flat rate of 55 to our apartment in Upper East Side. Once we took our second real taxi ride we realized we probably could have done it cheaper, but lesson learned right? So we arrive at our apartment, sweaty, tired, and a little groggy, and can't seem to get a hold of the guy's who we are renting from!

 So my wonderful parents found a cheap hotel for us for the night until we figured thing out! Probably about 20 minutes after we checked in and jumped onto the bed I got a call from David, my soon to be roommate, that he was sorry he wasn't home to recieve the calls but he was there now and we could come over. So we took a walk through central park, where I saw my first view of New York City, and reality finally started to sink in.We arrived got our keys and toured the apartment, it is small but cozy and very New York. We make our way back to our hotel and fall fast asleep in the big city. So the next day we were actually able to move in, and surprisingly, all our stuff fit!! Well I guess I should say my stuff, but I am a girl and yes admit to being an over packer....

...ok I hate to be a bad blogger but since this was over a week ago and I am now at the end of my second week interning in New York I feel like I need to fast forward. So this is what I am going to do, here is Stephen's blog link: http://stephengutierrezphotography.blogspot.com. Since his can update you guys on what our first week was like as tourists of NYC and you can also read about his amazing internship, then I will now start to write about my internship and hopefully get something out everyday, don't hold me to it though! So since I am secretly at work, I am going to publish this and try to write later tonight! Thanks for being patient :)

signing off from New York City

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