

Ok I have set my goals for what I want to get done while working at cota.

1.watch lynda.com videos and create my own website, just the way I want it

2.submit images to a stock agency online

3.actually do these instead of sitting on facebook :)

"Listen to the mustn't,child,
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the shouldn'ts
The impossible's, the won'ts
Listen to the never haves
Then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child,
Anything can be."
---Shel Silverstein



Slow at work...thought I'd browse some photographers...here is what I found!

®Francesca Tallone:

®Biance van der Werf:

®Jesse Fox:
®Kate Thompson:
 ok...that is it for now...but i love looking at other people's stuff so there may be more coming soon!

Back to School

So here I am back in Santa Barbara, which I must say welcomed me home with warm sunny days and smiling faces. Yesterday I worked my last day at my job at El Capitan Canyon :( I had been there since I first moved out here and started going to school. It's an amazing place and I loved everyone I worked with, the distance just became a little too far and I just got a job at my school. I work at our Cota campus as a lab TA, not the most technical job in the world but for the most part I get to work on school work and it's so much closer to me. But if you are ever coming to visit Santa Barbara look into them: This is their website: http://www.elcapitancanyon.com

I will miss it there!
But on to new things, new job, new classes, and almost a new home! That should be coming in June.

My class I am taking this session is Advertising 312. Which is the second advertising class at my school. It is going to be busy but it is the only class I have this session so I can work hard at it! I am excited to be busy again, its a nice push and keeps the motivation flowing. I am working on my prep week assignment and here are some advertisments I am analyzing...

So this is some examples of stuff that we should be producing in this class, as well as, a ton of other conceptual advertising images! I will try to keep everything updated on here...plus write more.
I am going to leave you with a video of my break week. My friends and I enjoying ourselves in Gilroy, Santa Clara, and San Francisco...